Sounds in Numbers

Get insight into your music (playlists, albums, top, liked, recent songs) using Spotify's sound analysis data. You can filter and order playlists using these properties:

Tempo, Loudness
Mode, Time Signature
📈 🔋 🌞 💃 ⚡ 💬 🎻 🎭

Every track can be visualized using loudness and pitch dominance. The different sections that Spotify distinguishes in each track are also shown.

A screenshot from Sounds in Numbers of the analysis of the song Silk by Wolf Alice
the analysis of the song Silk by Wolf Alice
Made by Timon Kuiters
using data from

Privacy & Permissions

This website does not use tracking or analytics. All data is loaded into the browser directly from Spotify (except the initial login, for technical reasons). For the player functionality (only works with Spotify Premium), additional scripts are loaded from Spotify, which seem to use Google Analytics. This only happens if the 'load player' button is clicked.
In order to function, Sounds in Numbers needs a few permissions, which are detailed below:

Your email

Needed by Spotify player

The type of Spotify subscription you have, your account country and your settings for explicit content filtering

Needed by Spotify player, and to determine your subscription level to disable/enable the player functionality

Your name and username, your profile picture, how many followers you have on Spotify and your public playlists

Needed by Spotify player, and ability to show public playlists

Content you have recently played

To show a list of recently played tracks

The content you are playing

Player functionality

The content you are playing and Spotify Connect devices information

Player functionality

What you’ve saved in Your Library

To show your Liked Songs

Your top artists and content

To show top tracks

Playlists you’ve made and playlists you follow

To show your playlists

Your collaborative playlists

To show your playlists

Your position in content you have played

Player functionality

Control Spotify on your devices

Player functionality

Add and remove items in Your Library

To be able to like/remove songs

Create, edit, and follow playlists

To provide the ability to save filtered versions of playlists

Stream and control Spotify on your other devices

Player functionality